Monday, 2 May 2011

over-exposed images

When thinking of moved light objects i instantly thought of some other photographs i have seen in photography magazines using cars and motoways to create the inspired lighting.

So i walked far from my house and looked down at the M6 at around 9:30 at night with my Canon 450D and a Canon G10, they both work really well for these photographs however i found the G10 easier to control, not that it has any better qualities it's actually the other way round as it is more of a compact. I didn't take my tripod as it was so dark i found it hard to put up when it's dark.

This is the finished photograph.

I'm not too sure who this photographer is, however i find it inspiring in the use of colour and lighting. I would like to create a photograph like this, inspired by the colour and lighting used within this photo. However, it will be difficult to create this type of photograph, therefore i have come up with a different plan. To create the lighting and colour used in this photograph i could use lighted moving objects to create the colour making an over exposed image.


I have been researching different south african cultures and nature, also looking at different photographs taken by other photographers. I am going to look at both landscape and abstract photographs for the time being as i find them both inspiring depending on what pictures i find                      
I find pictures like this inspiring in the way that they use camera angles and other objects to create the subject of the photograph, in my photographs i want to portray these types of clever tecniques.

Brief on our project

I have been commissioned to create a range of photographs which are inspired by african cultures and foods. In our first session we have mainly been looking at what we could possibly be creating. This project will last till october and will be displayed as an exhibition in Sainsburys. We are also provided sketchbooks in the coming weeks to keep our ideas and thoughts written in.